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I'm Caroline Greene and thank you for the time you have spent looking through my website


Every week, someone contacts me asking if I have experience treating a particular condition.  Sometimes I do - quite often I don’t.


Because there are many different ways the body can be unwell - and two people with the same thing wrong with them will have different symptoms.  However, there is a common pattern of healing within the body and I am trained to recognise the way that illness moves into and out of us.  


My job is to interpret what it is YOUR body is trying to say.  

My Story

I qualified as a homeopath in 2011 at the Irish School of Homeopathy in Dublin.  I have 2 teenagers, a dog and 2 rabbits and my husband and I lived and worked on 3 continents before settling in Crieff, Scotland.  I have held a number of jobs over the years but in each of them always ended up helping people with health and emotional issues.  Being a homeopath allows me to channel my ability to spot what is needed to get to the bottom of a problem.  Spotting the link, early on in my career, between the gut microbiome and the brain I have focused my continuing training on nutrition.  I am very interested in the work the scientists at Zoë are doing and if you have taken part in their research, I am able to discuss your results and support you on this journey.

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